Media strategy

In addition to serving as a noteworthy information tool, your supplement could be the focal point of a much broader communication strategy, deployed before, during and after distribution.

A variety of promotions can be developed around your central message in the following media:

a series of promotional ads, in B&W or colour, in Sun Media dailies (Le Journal de Montréal and Le Journal de Québec), the free French-language dailies, and other dailies, on request;

information capsules or the sponsorship of a segment of a prime-time news report on TVA, LCN or other stations, on request;

promotions, information capsules or sponsorships during prime time on Astral Radio stations or other stations, on request;

a promotional offensive at one or more sections of, or the Canoe mobile site, in French or English or both, with a link to your website;

or any other media suitable to achieving your communication objectives.