Aéroports de Montréal (ADM)
The world at your doorstep
Versions française et anglaise


Make air travellers aware of the ongoing development of increasingly sophisticated services available at Montréal-Trudeau International Airport.


Show readers the extent to which Aéroports de Montreal has become a world leader in the areas of self-service, particularly with regard to baggage check-in.


A corporate supplement, which allows readers to appreciate, as though they were there, the many airport improvements that truly are bringing the world to their doorstep.

Corporate supplement

28 pages
French and English versions
573,000 copies:

*545,000 copies in
- Le Journal de Montréal
- Le Journal de Québec
- The Gazette

*28,000 copies in
- Salons VIP at l'Aéroport Montréal-Trudeau
- Displays at l'Aéroport Montréal-Trudeau


Le Journal de Montréal
3 1/3-page ads


M. James C. Cherry
President and CEO, Aéroports de Montreal
"La coquille de la gare est prête" (The rail station shell is ready)

M. Normand Boivin
Vice President, Aéroports de Montreal
"Des services de première classe" (First-class services)

M. Antoine Rostworowski
Director, Business Development, Aéroports de Montréal
"L'avènement du mobile" (Mobile technology is here)


Ads of various sizes (e.g. Foldovers and Big Boxes) displayed at various sections of the website, including:
tels que :

Home page, LCN section, Argent, INFOS, "VOYAGES", 24H, HEBDOS, Canoë TV.

Web Banner

Fold Over

Big Box

Video link at Canoe.ca